
Showing posts from September, 2024

Email Marketing Series: 8 Important Email Marketing Metrics | SFWPExperts

  Email Marketing Metrics: Totally, there are eight major email marketing metrics that will help you in determining your campaign results. Open Rate Click-Through Rate Spam Percentage List growth rate Conversion rate Bounce rate Overall ROI Unsubscribe Rate 1. What is an Email Open Rate? Email open-rate helps in analyzing the percentage of emails opened by your existing and new subscribers. Breaking it, even more, simpler, email open rate tell you about how many people viewed or opened the email you sent. The open rate helps in determining the performance of your email marketing campaign. If you are getting less email open rate then you should start looking for mistakes and faults in your campaign. We have mentioned the email marketing checklist that will help you in optimizing your emails. An optimized email marketing campaign always gets a higher open rate and click-through rate. Method to calculate Email open rate: Divide the number of unique opens (excluding that bounced) by the nu

13 Reasons Why Most Brands & Small Businesses Rely On Email Marketing? SFWPExperts

  Reason behind the use of email marketing by small and medium businesses: 1. Emails have a larger reach With the increase in social media users, companies have started thinking that Facebook and Twitter are one of the effective ways of reaching the maximum number of audiences. They tend to forget that emails have got more users than social media. According to Radicati, 2019 has recorded a total of 3.9 Billion active email users and it is expected to increase by 4.8 billion by 2021. Whereas social media has a total of 3.48 billion users out of which Facebook has 2.45 billion users and Twitter has 330 million users. We are not conveying that social media is not at all effective but email has a higher reach than social media platforms. If you are getting the higher open rate for your email campaign then you are on the right track of spreading awareness about your product and brand. But if you are looking to boost your email open rate then you can check our blog on 9 ways to boost your e

6 Tips On Creating An Effective And Enticing Lead Magnet

   Tips to Create Lead Magnets For your Website: To create an effective and enticing lead magnet you need to follow a few steps like: 1. Specify your Buyers persona There are companies that are complaining that lead magnet is not as effective as expected. Even SFWP Experts have got a client who used to say that lead magnets are not helping them in gaining their prospects info. After doing a lot of research, our Inbound Marketing experts have figured out the mistake made by businesses. One of the biggest mistakes carried out by marketers is that they try to target all kinds of demographics for their lead magnet. It is not good for a business that has a specific product to sell. Your business should focus on creating lead magnets that can attract a specific set of audiences depending on your product. Even if your business has multiple products to sell then you can create a separate lead magnet. For example, Your company has an eBook on 10 ways to boost your e-commerce platform. And you